Speaker Secretary Ian Rutter reports;
Our speaker in August is Professor Julian Evans, a forest scientist.
Julian chairs the Forestry Commission’s Expert Committee on Forest Science and is a Past-President of the Institute of Chartered Foresters. After graduating in Forestry at Bangor University, he went on to become Professor of Forestry at Imperial College, London. Julian has also been the Chief Research Officer for the Forestry Commission at Alice Holt. He is the author or principal editor of 16 books.
Julian has a long-term research interest in plantation sustainability in Swaziland, (for which he was awarded an O.B.E.), and the silviculture of broad-leaved woodland in the U.K.
He and his wife, Margaret, are owners themselves of a 12 hectare woodland site in Hampshire, which is the subject of his presentation to us ‘A Wood of our Own’.
Sounds a bit of a dry subject ? Think again! We know from past experience that when a presenter is an expert in his subject and is enthusiastic about it, the talk will be good.