This was both most enjoyable and reasonably well attended.
Jay Woogara, our newly elected Chairman, welcomed guests respendently attired in a jacket we understand created by his wife, Alison. Our guest were both the Mayor and Mayoress of Guildford, but also our wonderful speaker, Mel Rees.
Guests were offered a refreshing glass of bubbly by Phillip Mansley before socialising. It was noticeable that most attendees arrived much earlier than normal which enabled most to enjoy nearly an hour chatting before lunch commenced.
The lunch produced by Vince, as ever, was both fulsome and well received. He was thanked, following the lunch, for the good service he, and his staff, have offered this past year.
Our speaker, Mel Rees, took as his subject “My Family and other Meerkats. He held us both spellbound, and in stitches, at times, as he meandered through many of life’s happenings, lifting examples from his family upbringing, centred on the views and attitude of his mother.
Mel has written a number of books, from which, we are sure, much material for his talk was drawn. The class differences of adjacent communities, the accent differences of almost neighbours, all received the Mel Rees treatment – ” No, I’m not a snob.” His talk was without notes, and as our Chairman noted, for the first time in many a year, there was no sign of anyone nodding off during the talk – other than falling of their chairs with laughter. Mel is proudly politically incorrect – and that was very apparent at times!