John Coleman writes:
The sad passing of Prince Philip brings home the mortality that awaits us all and focuses attention on the potential financial implications of this event on our surviving heirs. Let us hope that we all have as long as Prince Philip to plan for such events, who’s age of 99 years and 10 months is quite an achievement.
The topic of the next meeting of the Family Finances Group on Thursday 15 April is very apt. The Zoom meeting will be hosted by Florence Wilson of Octopus Investments, who are renowned for creating a range of potential tax-mitigation investment vehicles. (Obviously, alternative options also exist.)
So if you or your heirs don’t like the idea of 40% of your surviving spouse’s estate over the Nil-Rate Band threshold being lost to Inheritance Tax or if you are in the fortunate position of facing a large Capital Gains Tax bill, it should be relevant to hear what Octopus Investments have to say about their range of tax mitigation investments. This will include the financial performance/costs/risks/potential benefits/types of investments/etc./ of their various investment vehicles. After the presentation, there will be ample time for any questions that you may wish to raise in connection with this important subject.
As usual, the meeting will commence at 10.00am but to minimise the risk of disruption at the start, it will be helpful if you could join the meeting a few minutes before 10.00am.
The log-in details are as per John’s email.