Family Finances Forum

The “Family Finances Group” has now been renamed as the “Family Finances Forum”. It meets on the third Thursday of each month except in July, August and December. The meetings, which are held in Weybourne House, commence with coffee, tea & biscuits from around 9.45am for a 10.00am start and finish around noon. At the meetings we either have an invited Guest Speaker or have an internal discussion on a nominated topic. There is a small charge for attendance to cover hire of the room, tea/coffee and biscuits.  For 2024 the charge is £4 per session.


Our Objectives

To provide Members with information at monthly meetings through invited Guest Speakers and internal discussion on a diverse range of topics, such as:

  • Money Management in Retirement including, but not limited to, the best use of ISA’s/SIPPs/VCTs/Bonds and structured products.
  • Use of Wealth Managers/IFAs/Investment platforms, etc.
  • Latest views on the UK and Global investment markets and “Hot Tips”.
  • Legal Matters ranging from Wills and IHT management to Powers of Attorney.
  • Pros and Cons of “Buy to Let” properties and downsizing considerations.
  • UK Budget Announcements.
  • Pending UK Legislation
  • Making use of modern technology to manage and optimize expenditure
    which may include such matters as:
    • Purchase of insurance products in retirement including travel, motor, home and health products.
    • Internet sources of investment information and portfolio monitoring.
    •  Use of devices such as smart phones/TVs and appliances best suited to one’s needs.
    • Protecting oneself from internet crime.
    • Purchase of utilities using websites.
    • Other internet based purchasing.
    • Retail Banking and Building Society best buys and how to find them.

Guest Speakers are invited from a range of professions including IFAs, Wealth Managers and Solicitors, together with speakers from other relevant organizations. Other meetings which are based on internal discussion between Members on a selected topic/theme will be led by a nominated “Chairman” from the Group.

It is hoped that all the members of the FFG will sense a friendly and mutually supportive atmosphere and feel encouraged to participate and share their own experiences, including their successes and any problems encountered.


Our 2024 Programme

September 2024: Meetings programme for remainder of 2024 is currently being confirmed post July/August meetings break.