The Family Finances Forum meets on the third Thursday of each month except in July, August and December. The meetings, which are held in Weybourne House, commence with coffee, tea & biscuits from around 9.45am for a 10.00am start and finish around noon. At the meetings we either have an invited Guest Speaker or have an internal discussion on a nominated topic. There is a small charge for attendance to cover hire of the room, tea/coffee and biscuits. For 2024 the charge is £4 per session.
Our Objectives
To provide Members with information at monthly meetings through invited Guest Speakers and internal discussion on a diverse range of topics, such as:
- Money Management in Retirement including, but not limited to, the best use of ISA’s/SIPPs/VCTs/EISs/Bonds/Money Market Funds and Structured Products.
- Use of Wealth Managers/IFAs/Investment platforms, etc.
- Latest views on the UK and Global investment markets.
- Legal Matters ranging from Wills, Trusts and Powers of Attorney to Inheritance Tax and Probate.
- Pros and Cons of “Buy to Let” properties and downsizing considerations.
- Social Care & Care Homes.
- UK Budget Announcements.
- Pending UK Legislation
- Making use of modern technology to assist in such matters as:
- Purchase of insurance products in retirement including travel, motor, home and health insurance.
- Internet sources of investment information and portfolio monitoring.
- Use of devices such as smart phones, computers and the internet to suit one’s needs.
- Protecting oneself from internet crime.
- Purchase of utilities using websites.
- Other internet based purchasing.
- Retail Banking and Building Society best buys and how to find them.
Guest Speakers are invited from a range of professions including IFAs, Wealth Managers and Solicitors, together with speakers from other relevant organizations. Some meetings, which are based on internal discussion between Members on a selected topic/theme will be led by a nominated “Chairman” from the group. Our meetings are open to all and, when appropriate, wives, partners and other family members are very welcome.
The topic/theme of each meeting is announced several weeks prior to each meeting.
It is hoped that all the participants in the Family Finances Forum will sense a friendly and mutually supportive atmosphere and feel encouraged to participate and share their own experiences, including their successes and any problems encountered.